Grüne Europagruppe Grüne EFA

10 february, 16:30 h, St. Petersburg Room E  

Öko Richtlinien, Zertifizierung, Gesetzgebung, Forum Politik
EU Policy Day, organised by IFOAM EU in cooperation with BIOFACH
In March 2014 the European Commission published its legislative proposal for a new organic regulation. The next and last
step in this process is represented by the ‘trilogue’ negotiations between the three EU institutions to agree on a final legal text,
presumably at the beginning of 2016. Taking into consideration the three institutions’ proposals, trilogue outcomes on certain
regulation areas can be already foreseen and discussion can be kicked off.The policy day will bring together the EU policy
makers and the organic sector to discuss the possible changes that the sector will have to be facing when the new organic
regulation is adopted.

     Marco Schlüter, IFOAM EU Group, Belgium

•    Miltiades Krimizis, EU Commission, Belgium
•    Martin Häusling, Mitglied des Europäischen Parlaments/Bündnis 90 Die Grünen, Belgium
•    Christopher Stopes, IFOAM EU Group, Belgium
•    Bavo van den Idsert, IFOAM EU Group, Belgium
•    Thomas Fertl, Bio Austria, Austria